Allegra Wolff
Color Guard Director
Originally from Branson, Missouri, Allegra has been teaching color guard professionally for 3 years. She has a Bachelor of Music Education from Missouri Western State University '20 and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Missouri - Kansas City '17.
Previous to UCM, she was the color guard director at Missouri Western State University, woodwind and visual staff member at Blue Springs South Jaguar Pride, and Color Guard and Woodwind technician at Branson High School.
At UCM, she is pursuing a Master of Arts in Music, Instrumental Conducting. She is a member of the Wind Ensemble (clarinet), Jazz Ensemble (piano), and is the Graduate Assistant for the UCM Band program. As the color guard director, she writes and teaches all choreography, helps with visual design elements, and manages all recruiting and retention. Her career aspirations are to teach instrumental music at the high school and college level.